Thinking About Strategy - A Tribute to Sir Michael Quinlan

En librairie
Bruno Tertrais (dir.), novembre 2011

This publication is a tribute to the memory of Sir Michael Quinlan, one of the most distinguished European strategic thinkers of the recent decades, who passed away in March 2009.

Though not very well-known outside policy-making circles, Sir Michael had a unique career in UK government and NATO circles. What made him special was a rare combination of intellectual and human qualities, which made him an exceptional figure of the transatlantic community. His influence on Western strategic thinking was profound.

In 2010, key American, British and French analysts - many of whom were close friends of his - were asked by the Foundation for Strategic Research to discuss some of the most important issues of our time, in particular on nuclear policy matters, in the light of Sir Michael's thinking. All of them agreed enthusiastically. The resulting volume is a testimony of the enduring intellectual legacy of Michael Quinlan.

Bruno Tertrais (coordinator) is Senior Research Fellow at the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique at Paris

Table of contents

  • Foreword - Thérèse Delpech
  • Thinking About Nuclear Weapons: A Conversation in Honour of Sir Michael Quinlan - Bruno Tertrais
  • The Intellectual Legacy of Sir Michael Quinlan - Lawrence Freedman
  • Nuclear Weapons and the Prevention of Major War - Malcolm Chalmers
  • NATO, Missile Defense and Nuclear Weapons - Franklin C. Miller KBE
  • Will There Be a South Asian Nuclear War? - Sir Hilary Synnott
  • Reflections on Nuclear Opacity - Ariel E. Levite
  • Sir Michael Quinlan's Nuclear Nonproliferation Insights - Henry Sokolski
  • Sir Michael Quinlan and the Ethics of Nuclear Weapons - William Walker
  • The Diminishing Utility and Justice of Nuclear Deterrence - George Perkovich
  • Aspiration and Realism: A Path Toward a World Without Nuclear Weapons? - Walter B. Slocombe
  • Necessary and Proportionate: Sir Michael Quinlan on Intelligence - David Omand
  • Publications by Sir Michael Quinlan

Thinking About Strategy - A Tribute to Sir Michael Quinlan

Auteur(s) : Bruno Tertrais (dir.)
Collection : l'Harmattan
Parution : novembre 2011


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