
Improving Humanitarian Assistance : A Transatlantic Agenda for Action

par Julia Steets, Dan Hamilton, Andrea Binder, Kelly Johnson, Kai Koddenbrock, Jean-Luc Marret
GPPi, décembre 2009, 44 p.

  • I. Agenda for Action
    • Emergency response and preparedness: A common global challenge
    • A critical role for the EU and the U.S.
    • Enhancing EU-U.S. cooperation in humanitarian assistance
    • A window of opportunity
    • Effects of enhanced cooperation
    • Recommendation 1: Emphasize informal cooperation, strengthen multilateral channels, and hold high-level bilateral discussions
    • Recommendation 2: Improve the capacity of humanitarian donors to implement lessons
    • Recommendation 3: Decide on desirability of LRRD. lf desirable, strategically define opportunities and develop better methods to link relief, rehabilitation, and development
    • Recommendation 4: Maximize business contributions to humanitarian assistance, while minimizing their risks
    • Recommendation 5: Address normative problems of civil-military interaction and improve operational approaches
  • II. Supporting Information
    • 1. Principles vs. pragmatism: U.S. and EU approaches to humanitarian assistance
    • 2. Transatlantic cooperation in humanitarian assistance: current channels, hurdles, and recommendations
    • 3. Improving the implementation of lessons learned
    • 4. Linking relief, rehabilitation, and development (LRRD)
    • 5. Business engagement
    • 6. Civil-military relations
    • About this paper
    • About the authors